corona virus: is human activity driven the outbreak?

Humankind is the only virus cursed to live with the horrifying knowledge of its host's fragile mortality.”
                                                                   -Henry Hart
                                                                   (Kingsman-The secret service)

A Small micron sized sub microscopic organism which as mutated and killed about 1.7 lakh people all over the world and as infected 24lakh people and counting. Coronavirus or COVID-19, the potentially deadly virus that emerged from a fish market in Wuhan china, now poses a serious threat to a vulnerable population. It also poses a challenge to the global economy on par with the financial crisis that spread slightly more than a decade earlier.

are "HUMANS" responsible for the spread of the virus?

yes, Nature is declining globally at rates unprecedented in human history and its impact will see the extinction of one million out of eight million total estimated number of animal and plant species on earth, many within decades unless their habitats are restored. Blaming “human activities’ for such threat, the body comprising 130 member countries including India. Noted how the people have already severely altered 75% of the land surface, 40% of marine environments and 50% of inland waterways, causing damage to the natural world through massive urbanization, deforestation, and agricultural intensification.

Viruses are a key part of what makes us human, In addition to genes, the human genome contains countless bits and pieces of viral genetic material — remnants from when our ancestors were exposed to various viruses in the past. A virus might need one kind of genetic change to gain the ability to latch onto cells in the human respiratory system, for example. Some other change might be required so that it becomes adept at making copies of itself inside human cells. Still another mutation might improve its ability to spread from human to human.

Humanity always used technology in the worst possible way to destroy the rock it is living on. Humans think they are the superior species on this planet even though Mother Nature gives back a big wake up slap!
Japan, February 2011, one of the biggest tsunami we could have ever witnessed it costed big economic destruction and killed tens to thousands of people. India, September 2018 when entire Kerala and Kodagu was affected due to heavy floods which left many people homeless and jobless
Then there comes this microbe which has killed 1.7 lakh people and still unstoppable.

Humans have caused a lot of harm to the environment in various ways since the industrial revolution. The carbon footprint has increased rapidly in a decade causing a global phenomenon “climate change “ and melting arctic and Antarctic snow islands of the world, thereby raising the sea level and also making a hole in the ozone layer  sounds cool right!

This is the reason nature as now started the human extinction program to show humans that she still remains to be the far most superior force that can sustain life or even take lives

So how is climate change affected by all this?
In China – the source of the disease and the world’s largest carbon emitter – the actions taken by authorities have inadvertently demonstrated that hefty 25% carbon dioxide cuts can bring less traffic and cleaner air with only a small reduction in economic growth, If this trend continues, analysts say this may lead to the first fall in global emissions since the 2008-09 financial crisis. Even a slowdown in CO2 could buy time for climate action and, more importantly. Pollution monitoring satellites from NASA and the European Space Agency have detected significant decreases of nitrogen dioxide over China since Jan. 1, following the outbreak of the virus -- evidence that the noxious gas being emitted by motor vehicles, power plants and industrial facilities has nearly come to a complete stop.

thermal image of wuhan during lockdown

At the brink of collapse of humanity, we humans still, misuse the resources.

Fewer forests mean humans are staying nearer to forests than before, and they now have more chances of exposure to bats and their eating and breeding places.
Have you seen a girl throwing stones at a beehive? Stoning sends the bees into a panic. They start flying aimlessly for survival. In the process, they attack anyone coming their way. They sting. But stinging is a suicide mission for bees. Honeybees die after stinging.
Bats are the new bees. Rapid urbanization is the girl throwing stones. Frequent viral outbreaks are the stings that humans are finding difficult to neutralize.

When a bat sits on a tree branch to nibble at a fruit or enters an animal shed to eat insects, it leaves traces of his body fluid and genetic material there. When humans come in contact with such fruits, trees, animals, or sheds, they become unsuspecting victims of one of the deadly viruses that bats might have left in those places. In the current coronavirus outbreak, the Covid-19 strain is very similar to those found in bats. Most researchers point to its transition to humans through an animal such as the pig. At least one researcher pointed to snakes, for which bats are food.

These are the natural food chain among animals. Earlier, these animals were not under as much stress as they are now due to the loss of their natural habitat. Under duress, these animals lose what they have. Bats have too many viruses for which humans have no immunity, and which now causing rapid destruction worldwide. As said earlier, Humans are the only species that can bring apocalypse to themselves put entire living creatures at the brink of an end.

“The arrogance of men is thinking nature is in our control and not the other way around.”
                                                                                         -Dr. Ishiro Serizawa

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