
Showing posts with the label USA

Expanse : do aliens exist ?

“ The past, like the future, is indefinite and exists only as a spectrum of possibilities.” We all have seen, the independence day, not talking about the 1947 reality but a movie starring will smith, where we saw aliens from the outer world attack earth for its resources. During ancient times, Unidentified flying objects have been recorded throughout human history. The only thing that’s changed is   how people—stretched across thousands of years—have interpreted these unexplainable events. Though different religions depict different kinds of technologies, few scientists believe that these can be proof of extra-terrestrial. Some of them were comets, asteroids, meteors, and other atmospheric optical phenomena that were scientifically  unknown to our ancient ancestors, but others still defy modern explanations.  The very first UFO sightings date back to 3500 years, it is believed that the first-ever docu...